Wednesday, 25 November 2009


You go to the movies and you look up and see a movie projector. You have the lens which the movie is shot out of, which is the eyes. The actual projector or our brain? And the film, which is our consciousness that we all share. And then you got the white screen. Which is matter. So when you put the film in the projector, what's shown is the film. Same with our minds. What we are seeing really isn't there. Just what's in our conscious state. You alter alter reality.

If we could understand that what we are seeing, we aren't actually seeing. It's being projected through our eyes.

That's why when you take conscious changing additives, you can see that same item that you are seeing now but once your state is changed that same matter that created that item, is now something else or has the ability to be something else, IN YOUR MIND

My mind is well and truly...FREE!

Monday, 9 November 2009


"I feel like the media doesn't just ruin celebritie's lives, but also people that believe they should be as important as celebs"

-Lee Julien, 9/11/2009